Sunday, January 17, 2010


We've had about four days of downtime, working on the house and waiting for the weather to cool down again. Although we won't be finalizing the project tomorrow on Martin Luther King day, we will be feeding many homeless in cooperation with United Peace Relief Detroit, per our commitment to the city. If you'd like to get involved or contribute food, socks, blankets, etc., we will be on the corner of MLK and 3rd St. starting at noon and staying until we give away the 20 gallons of chili and soup, and 50 loaves worth of sandwiches.

It looks as if we'll be back to icing the house in the evenings this week. Our downtime has allowed us to create a much more automated system of water application, and our setup time is now only about 30 minutes. If you'd like to help out anytime this week, please email Greg or Matthew.

photos by Tom Stoye